| Interviews
Interviews are gathered here from all 10 expeditions |
Chief Scientist Jess Adkins
Expedition 7: Jess Adkins thought he wanted to be a mathematician when he was in high school — but he ended up as Chief Scientist on Expedition 7. Read the interview » |
Ordinary Seaman Lorna Allison
Expedition 5: A sea kayaking and marine landscape instructor for four years, Lorna Allison is now learning the ropes of working on a research vessel. Read the interview » |
Bosun Wayne Bailey
Expedition 9: Wayne is in charge of all deck activities on R/V Atlantis. He oversees the movement of heavy equipment on the deck, and uses a variety of hand signals to communicate clearly when crewmembers using the crane can’t hear his voice. Read the interview » |
Bosun - Victor Barnhart
Expedition 5: Vic Barnhart is the Bosun on RV Roger Revelle in charge of making sure the decks are clean, the ship painted and equipment greased, and safety equipment is ready for use in case of an emergency. Read the interview » |
Biologist Stace Beaulieu
Expedition 9: Stace, a state spelling bee champion turned scientist, once lost an eighth grade competition after tripping on the word “haddock.” Read the interview » |
Expedition Leader Andy Bowen
Expedition 4: Expedition Leader Andy Bowen is in charge of the ROV Jason and other deep submergence vehicles. On the ship, he often works over 12 hours a day and he once stayed awake for 36 hours. Read the interview » |
Principal Engineer Al Bradley
Expedition 6: Al Bradley’s official title is Principal Engineer in the Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering Department at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, but he describes himself as a compulsive toy maker. Read the interview » |
Captain Eric Buck
Expedition 3: Eric Buck was born in Cuba and his family moved to San Diego in 1972. He has lived there ever since and considers San Diego his adopted home. Read the interview » |
Marine Biologist Kate Buckman
Expedition 5: Kate Buckman is a recent graduate from Smith College in Northhampton, MA, she also strives to teach others what she knows in creative ways. Read the interview » |
Chief Scientist Craig Cary
Expedition 1: Craig Cary is an associate professor at the University of Delaware. He joined the faculty in 1994. His research group studies microbial ecology in a number of different environments. Read the interview » |
Jim Charters
Expedition 3: Jim has been at Scripps for 27 years working as a computer engineer. In his spare time, he likes to rebuild and tinker with old cars. Read the interview » |
Chief Scientist Jim Cochran
Expedition 2: Jim Cochran, one of the co-chief scientists on Cruise #2, grew up in upstate New York near Albany. He studied physics at Duke University where he received a Bachelor of Science degree. Read the interview » |
Captain AD Colburn
Expedition 4: The son of a ship captain, AD graduated from Massachusetts Maritime Academy in 1978 and worked for 16 years as a mate on ships before becoming a captain six years ago. Read the interview » |
Ron Comer
Expedition 3: Ron Comer is the Scripps Resident Marine Technician for this expedition. Ron's hobbies include collecting mineral specimens, gem stones, and fossils. Read the interview » |
Ship Medic Janet Costello
Expedition 4: Janet Costello grew up on a dairy farm and didn’t see the ocean until she was 18. Now she works as a ship medic with WHOI and sails around the world. Read the interview » |
First Mate Mitzi Crane
Expedition 2: Being the First Mate of RV Atlantis carries a great deal of responsibility. Mitzi Crane is the First Mate and she has been working at Woods Hole Oceanographic since April of 1999. Read the interview » |
Captain Christopher Curl
Expedition 5: Christopher Curl is the captain of the RV Roger Revelle for this expedition to the Galápagos. He's lived through a 'Perfect Storm' in the Pacific and has seen blue whales surfing ocean swells. Read the interview » |
Research Associate Josh Curtice
Expedition 5: For Josh Curtice one of the most important things in life is a good balance between the time he spends working and the time he spends with his family. Read the interview » |
Bob “Yogi” Elder
Expedition 3 & 4: As an engineer for the Deep Submergence Operations Group, he is responsible for the sensors, telemetry, fiber optics and all electronics for ROV Jason and the other deep submergence vehicles. Expedition 3 interview » | Expedition 4 interview » |
Marine geologist Jenny Engels
Expedition 5: Graduate student Jenny Engels, 25, loves to talk about rocks - in French, Spanish, English and Japanese. Her passion for languages helps her communicate while on geologic adventures around the world. Read the interview » |
Chief Engineer Kevin Fisk
Expedition 1: Kevin Fisk has worked for WHOI since 1986 and has worked on all of WHOI’s research vessels. He became chief engineer of the RV Atlantis just 18 months ago. Read the interview » |
Dr. Diego Fernandez
Expedition 7: Originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina, Diego came to the U.S. two years ago. He says he intends to return to his own country soon, but for now he’s enjoying life in the states. Read the interview » |
Dan Fornari - Chief Scientist
Expedition 3: Dan Fornari is a Senior Scientist in the Geology and Geophysics Department at WHOI and also Chief Scientist for Deep Submergence at WHOI. Read the interview » |
Volcanologist Dennis Geist
Expedition 5: Dennis Geist earned his bachelor’s of arts in earth science from Dartmouth in Hanover, N.H. He then returned to the northwest for his Ph.D. in geology at the University of Oregon. Read the interview » |
Julia Getsiv
Expedition 3: Julia Getsiv is a marine geologist and works at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Hatfield Marine Center in Newport, Oregon. Read the interview » |
Geologist Ben Grosser
Expedition 5: Ben Grosser is skipping school for this expedition, but then again so is his professor Denny Geist. This is Ben’s first year as a graduate student and his first time on a seagoing research cruise. Read the interview »
Geochemist Karen Harpp
Expedition 5: Karen Harpp loves teaching and finds students learn better when they are laughing. She is a professor at Colgate University in Hamilton, N.Y. Read the interview » |
Able Seaman Butch Harty
Expedition 5: At 17, Butch Harty was struck with what he calls “wonder lust.” He wanted to see the world. After graduating from high school in Virginia, he joined the Navy and set sail. Read the interview » |
Professor Rachel Haymon
Expedition 3: Rachel Haymon is a marine geologist and geochemist who studies the mid-ocean ridge, with an emphasis on hydrothermal processes. Read the interview » |
Alvin Expedition Leader Pat Hickey
Expedition 2 & 8: Pat Hickey started his career at WHOI as a mechanic in the Alvin Group, and he worked his way up the ladder to Expedition Leader of the seagoing Alvin Group and Chief Pilot. Exp. 2 interview » | Exp. 8 interview » |
Marine Geochemist Susan Humphris
Expedition 4: Marine geochemist Susan Humphris researches the geology of the mid-ocean ridge. Fifteen years ago she helped to discover hydrothermal vents in the Atlantic Ocean. Read the interview » |
Shipboard Computer Technician Dan Jacobson
Expedition 5: Dan Jacobson started traveling in his 20s and never stopped. Read the interview » |
Geologist Paul Johnson
Expedition 5: Paul Johnson began college at the University of Massachusetts as a tuba player. Not long after, a professor introduced him to geology, Paul transferred to the University of Hawaii. Read the interview » |
Chief Scientist Deborah Kelley
Expedition 8: As chief scientist, Deb Kelley is responsible for planning and overseeing this entire expedition, from securing the funding to coordinating the research needs of the 20 other scientists onboard. Read the interview » |
Biological oceanographer Patricia Kremer
Expedition 10: Patricia Kremer studies how gelatinous animals make their livings in the ocean system. She measures feeding, growth, metabolism (energy use), and population growth. Read the interview » |
Chief Scientist Mark Kurz
Expedition 5: As chief scientist Mark Kurz is ready for duty 24 hours a day at sea. We find him brainstorming with the science team, relaying information to the bridge or working out solutions to problems as they arise. Read the interview » |
Marine Electrician Alden “Big Al” Luallin
Expedition 5: “Big Al” Luallin began tinkering with electronics when he and a friend built a toy submarine at the age of 13. What was once a hobby is now a career. If something electrical has a problem, Al is on it! Read the interview » |
Chief Scientist George Luther
Expedition 1: George Luther is a professor of marine chemistry in the College of Marine Studies at the University of Delaware. Read the interview » |
Chief Scientist Larry Madin
Expedition 10: Larry Madin has studied fragile plankton animals called salps for over thirty years, by scuba diving—"jumping off a ship in the middle of the ocean"—to observe salps where they live. Read the interview » |
Anja Marnewecke
Expedition 3: Anja Marnewecke is the 3rd-Mate on RV Melville and has worked for Scripps Institution of Oceanography for about four years. Read the interview » |
Graduate Student Zoe McKiness
Expedition 4: Zoe McKiness is one of the youngest members of the science team researching hydrothermal vents in the Indian Ocean. Zoe is a Harvard University graduate student. Read the interview » |
Craig McLean
Expedition 6: Craig McLean is a deep-sea diver, a former captain in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration fleet, an attorney, and he is now the first director of NOAA’s new Ocean Exploration Program, which is funding this Galápagos Rift expedition. Read the interview » |
Senior Cook Ed Miller
Expedition 5: With music from the CDs “Bach for Breakfast” or “Mozart for morning coffee” Senior Cook Ed Miller starts cooking at 5 a.m. Read the interview » |
Steward Mirth Miller
Expedition 4: Steward Mirth Miller supervises dining and housekeeping on board Knorr. Born and raised in Oregon, Mirth worked on fishing boats before she joined the crew at WHOI in 1986. Read the interview » |
Dave Murline
Expedition 3: Dave Murline has worked for Scripps the past 16 years. He sails as the permanent Chief Mate of the RV Roger Revelle. Read the interview » |
Electrical Technician Dave Olds
Expedition 2: A native of Eustes, Florida, Dave Olds graduated from the University of Central Florida in 1991. After working for NASA at Rockwell, Dave came to WHOI over 5 years ago. Read the interview » |
DeepSea Power and Light -- Mark Olsson
Expedition 4: Mark Olsson designs and builds deep ocean camera and lighting systems. His company, DeepSea Power and Light, provides many of the specialized cameras and lights used on ROV Jason and Alvin. Read the interview » |
Marine Geologist Rob Otto
Expedition 5: As an undergraduate at Colgate University, Rob Otto analyzed rocks other scientists dredged from the seafloor between the Galápagos and Costa Rica. Read the interview » |
Multibeam Trainer and Advisor Uta Peckman
Expedition 5: Uta Peckman sailed across the Atlantic Ocean from Germany and moved to San Diego, Calif., when she was 2 years old. She’s never been seasick, even when sailing through a typhoon. Read the interview » |
Mike Perfit
Expedition 3: Mike Perfit is a Professor of Geology at the University of Florida, and a “Gator” fan. Read the interview » |
Resident Marine Technician Gene Pillard
Expedition 5: Gene Pillard helps scientists on board RV Roger Revelle complete their research objectives. He instructs us on safety, proper ship etiquette, and makes certain the equipment we need is ready. Read the interview » |
Able Seaman Ed "Catfish" Popowitz
Expedition 7 & 8: Catfish spent time as a roadie for rock bands before going to sea. Expedition 7 interview » | Expedition 8 interview » |
Kelly Rakow
Expedition 10: Kelly Rakow is a graduate student in the MIT/WHOI Joint Program in Oceanography and Applied Ocean Engineering, working on her PhD degree in biological oceanography. Read the interview » |
Science Writer Christy Reed
Expedition 5: SCUBA diver and science writer Christy Reed is thrilled to be working on the Dive and Discover Team in the Galápagos. Read the interview by Karen Harpp » |
Geologist Bob Reynolds
Expedition 5: After 13 years of working in the petroleum industry, Bob Reynolds returned to school to get a graduate degree in geology. Read the interview » |
Chief Scientist Anna-Louise Reysenbach
Expeditions 1 & 4: Anna-Louise grew up in South Africa near Johannesburg where her parents and brother and sister still live. Expedition 1 interview » | Expedition 4 interview » |
Geochemist and petrologist Alberto Saal
Expedition 5: In 1991, Alberto Saal left his home country of Argentina to pursue a scientific career in the United States. Read the interview » |
Dan Scheirer
A desire to learn about the processes shaping the Earth and a love of travel led Dan Scheirer to his career as a marine geophysicist at Brown University. Read the interview » |
Hans Schouten
Expedition 2: Hans was born in Holland and attended school there, eventually earning a Ph.D. degree from the University of Utrecht. Read the interview » |
Third Mate Adam Seamans
Expedition 8: Third Mate Adam Seamans didn’t let seasickness, storms, or a broken mast end a 15,000-nautical mile, solo sailing voyage around the Atlantic Ocean last year. Read the interview » |
Geochemist William E. Seyfried Jr
Expedition 9: Learn how Bill designs tools at the University of Minnesota to research chemistry in the oceans, then goes to sea to test them for use at hydrothermal vents. Read the interview » |
Shipboard Computer Technician Kazumi Baba Shibata
Expedition 9: Kazumi, a native of Japan, joined the Atlantis crew one year ago. She practices speaking English daily and is even learning slang when she’s not maintaining the ship’s computers. Read the interview » |
Captain George Silva
Expedition 1: The captain, or Master, of a ship is responsible for the safety of all the people and smooth running of the ship while we are out at sea. Read the interview » |
Second Assistant Engineer Steve St. Martin
Expedition 5: When Steve St. Martin was a boy growing up in San Diego, his lifelong dream was to work for Scripps. Read the interview » |
Alvin Pilot Anthony Tarantino
Expedition 6: There have been far fewer Alvin pilots than Space Shuttle pilots. Meet the 35th, and most recent, Alvin pilot—Anthony Tarantino. Read the interview » |
Maya Tolstoy
Expedition 3: Maya Tolstoy is a marine geophysicist at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University. Read the interview » |
Chief Scientist Cindy Van Dover
Expedition 4: Cindy Van Dover, the Chief Scientist of this expedition, is a biology professor at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. She is an expert on hydrothermal vent ecology. In the Indian Ocean she is researching the biogeography of vent faunas, or animals. Read the interview » |
Chief Mate Eric Wakeman
Expedition 5: This is Eric Wakeman’s second month as Chief Mate on Revelle. He started working for Scripps in 1993 a year after graduating from the California Maritime Academy in Vallejo, Calif. Read the interview » |
Biologist Rhian Waller
Expedition 9: Rhian has advice for students like her, who struggled in school—especially math. “Enjoy what you do and be enthusiastic, which will help you through the tough spots.” Read the interview »
Alvin Pilot BLee Williams
Expedition 1: BLee Williams has been an Alvin pilot for six years. He has made over 200 dives to the seafloor in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Read the interview » |
Clare Williams
Expedition 3: Clare Williams is a geophysics student at the University of Leeds in England. This year she is studying marine geophysics at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) through the UC Education Abroad Program. Read the interview » |
Chief Engineer Ron Wheatley
Expedition 3 & 5: Ron Wheatley is the Chief Engineer on board RV Roger Revelle for this expedition. Ron is 49 years old and lives in northern Washington, near British Columbia. Expedition 3 interview » | Expedition 5 interview » |
Chief Steward Carl Wood
Expedition 7 & 8: Carl Wood has spent 15 years running the “hotel” services on RV Atlantis, and doing a lot more. Expedition 7 interview » | Expedition 8 interview » |
Dana Yoerger
Expedition 2: Dana Yoerger is an Associate Scientist with tenure in the Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering Department at the WHOI. Read the interview »
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