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81°F (27.2°C)
9 deg 55.37'N
Longitude: 84 deg 43.49 W
Wind Direction: S
Wind Speed: 12 Knots
Sea State 3
Swell(s) Height: 2-4 Foot
Sea Temperature: 81°F (27.2°C)
Barometric Pressure: 1011.9 MB
Visibility: 12 Nautical Miles

Canned fruit
Eggs and potatoes
Bacon, spam and sausage
(Dried cereal is always available in the pantry)
OJ in a bucket
Fresh salad
Sub Sandwiches
Potato chips
Peanut butter cookies
Fresh salad
King Crab legs
Baked Potatoes
Corn on the cob
Yellow poppy seed cake
Expeditions End
September 24, 2001
by Christina Reed and Dan Fornari
It was nearly four years ago, when Mark, Dan and Denny first began
thinking about an expedition to study the submarine volcanic
slopes of the western Galápagos. Now, with a fantastic
data set in their hands they look forward to their shore-based
studies over the next few years, and testing their hypotheses
about how these volcanoes evolved.
After 33 days of working together we have become a tight knit group,
and used to our daily routines on the ship. We will miss the
excitement of our daily discoveries and seeing the majestic
profiles of Galápagos volcanoes greet us each morning.
There are also those of us who have won the favor of King Neptune
and become trusty Shellbacks - an experience well never
In the coming months, RV Revelle will transport other groups of scientists
on cruises to far-flung field areas in the Pacific including: Easter Island,
the South Pacific, and New Zealand. Each day, around the world, oceanographers
are working throughout the worlds ocean to discover its many secrets and
to gain a better understanding of our planet.
We want to thank the many people back on shore at Woods Hole Oceanographic who
have helped us create and deliver Dive and Discover to you this past month. Katherine
Joyce has been the person primarily responsible for taking our daily postings
and turning them into the wonderful web site you see each day. Supporting her
are Danielle Fino and Susan Humphris, two of Dive and Discovers creators,
and Lori Dolby.
Paul Oberlander, Lonny Lippsett, Andy Maffei, Steve Lerner, and Scotty McCue
at Woods Hole, Dale Chayes at Lamont-Doherty, Woody Sutherland at Scripps, and
the Scrippss Marine Facilities office under Capt. Tom Althouse have helped
with various aspects of Dive and Discovers technical and other requirements.
Dan Jacobson, here on Revelle has been wonderful about sending the data
through the SeaNet system at all hours of the day and night. This effort takes
many people and we thank all of you sincerely. Last, but not least, we thank
the officers and crew of Revelle and our science ship-mates for their
collaboration and help in making this a successful web experience.
Finally, we thank you for Diving and Discovering with us in the Galápagos
this past month, and encourage you to look for more Dive and Discover expeditions
next year.
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