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 Daily Updates: September 2001
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partlycloudy weather

Partly Cloudy
71°F (21.7°C)
Latitude: 00 deg 19.3'N
Longitude: 91 deg 37.6’W
Wind Direction: W
Wind Speed: 9 Knots
Sea State 3
Swell(s) Height: 2 Foot
Sea Temperature: 71°F (21.9°C)
Barometric Pressure: 1015.0 MB
Visibility: 11 Nautical Miles

what's to eat today?

Fresh fruits
Blueberry muffins
Eggs and potatoes
Bacon, ham and sausage
(Dried cereal is always available in the pantry)
OJ in a bucket

Fresh salad
Grilled ham and cheese sandwiches
Homemade chili
Potato chips
Tapioca pudding with strawberries

Fresh salad
Lemon chicken
Pan-fried catfish
Fresh bread
Pecan bars

Treasures from the Deep
September 1 , 2001
by Christina Reed

“We’ve got rocks!” Gene Pillard yells out, as we watch the dredge emerge from the ocean.

In the pre-dawn darkness this morning, west of Roca Redonda, we sent the dredge on a 3,000-meter journey to the bottom of the Pacific.

A sonar pinger, attached 200 meters above the dredge on the same wire cable, tells us how far we are above the seafloor. The dredge is dragged up hill for 500 to 700 meters so that the rocks it catches with its metal teeth fall into the chain-link bag behind it.

By 8 a.m., with the equatorial sun casting long shadows across the deck, we reel the dredge back on board. Gene Pillard is careful to make sure the operation goes smoothly and safely. Once the dredge is laid on the stern and secured, the wire cable that towed the mouth of the dredge uphill is re-attached to the back of the bag. The whole kit and caboodle is then turned upside down. We shake the glistening black rocks loose, like stuck candy from a piñata.

Working quickly as a team, students and professors gather the rocks and clear the deck. Rhian Waller and Kate Buckman collect any marine animals we find. Everything needs to be catalogued and sorted. Over the next two weeks we hope to fill hundreds of buckets with rocks. Each rock we catch will help us in our mission to understand volcanism in the Galápagos Islands.








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