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Partly Cloudy
74°F (23.3°C)
00 deg 15'S
Longitude: 91 deg 53W
Wind Direction: S
Wind Speed: 7 Knots
Sea State 3
Swell(s) Height: 2-3 Foot
Sea Temperature: 68°F (20°C)
Barometric Pressure: 1014.0 MB
Visibility: 12 Nautical Miles

Fresh fruits
Eggs and potatoes
Bacon, ham and sausage
(Dried cereal is always available in the pantry)
OJ in a bucket
Fresh salad
Tuna fish sandwiches
Sausage gumbo
Macaroni and hamburger
Potato chips
Chocolate chip cookies
Fresh salad
Roast leg of lamb
Roasted potatoes
Fresh bread
Poppy seed cake
Looking for Rock Bubbles
September 5, 2001
by Christina Reed
Swiss cheese, bubble gum, Rice Krispies and rocks all have one thing
in common. Bubbles. We can see the molds of bubbles in Swiss
cheese and if we look closely at Rice Krispies, the dried cereal
is full of tiny bubbles.
Indeed, bubbles are important in many different fields of science, including
chemical engineering, material science, fluid mechanics and geology. When we
pull up the rocks from the seafloor we are looking for, among many things, vesicles
- bubbles of gas trapped in the lava. Bubbles in volcanic rock are also thought
to contain gases from deep in the Earth.
how the ocean was formed - from out-gassing of the interior
of the Earth, Mark Kurz says. The gases are mostly carbon
dioxide (CO2) mixed with some water.
The hot temperatures of Earths interior melt solid parts of the mantle
to form magma. The added impurities of water and carbon dioxide lower the melting
temperature of a solid, the same way as added salt lowers the temperature of
When the hot magma touches the cold seawater, the surface cools so fast, it forms
glass. The glass in our submarine lava rock samples appears as a shiny black
exterior coating. The quick formation of glass traps some of the gases from the
magma. A tiny amount of helium is also found inside vesicles in the glassy coating.
Evaluating the helium trapped inside vesicles in submarine lava helps us understand
the origin of magma in the mantle. Mark Kurz will measure the helium back in
his laboratory, where he and Josh Curtice will either crush or melt the glass
to release the trapped gases. We also hope to use helium measurements to date
the lava flows, which can then tell us the age of the features in the MR1 sonar
maps we have made.
Its an experiment not unlike stomping or melting the protective bubble
wrap found inside packages, only we collect and analyze the air thats
released. On the ship, we are very careful to collect even the smallest pieces
of glass that we dredge from the seafloor. A piece no bigger than a fingernail
may have a million years of stories to tell.
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