to friend
70°F (21.1°C)
01 deg 12'S
Longitude: 91 deg 00W
Wind Direction: S
Wind Speed: 5 Knots
Sea State 3
Swell(s) Height: 2-4 Foot
Sea Temperature: 68°F (20°C)
Barometric Pressure: 1015.1 MB
Visibility: 12 Nautical Miles
Fresh fruits
Cinnamon rolls
Eggs and potatoes
Bacon, ham and sausage
(Dried cereal is always available in the pantry)
OJ in a bucket
Fresh salad
Quiche - 2 kinds
Chicken Noodle Soup
Orange bars
Fresh salad
Orange Roughy
Pork chops
Mashed potatoes
Fresh bread
Upside-down pineapple cake
Last of the Blueberries
September 17, 2001
by Christina Reed
We have no more tomatoes, papayas, kiwis or mangos. Weve
eaten all the nectarines, plums and oranges. Its been
at least a couple of weeks since we last saw any bananas and
only then in muffins.
This is day 26 of the expedition and we have
eaten 400 pounds of meat. Ed Miller and Stacey Lamp have grilled,
spiced, sweeten and soured chicken, pork, beef and lamb.
We have no strict vegetarians on board, or if we do they havent
told Ed. No one on this expedition has dietary restrictions
or severe food allergies. Its been an easy and
good group to take care of. Stacey and I have both enjoyed
it, Ed says.
Weve seen seven different kinds of fish: orange roughy, swordfish, tuna,
salmon, perch, cod and catfish. Weve eaten 100 pounds of shrimp: on pizza
and in salad, quiche and pasta.
Ed and Stacey have baked 250 pounds of flour
to make dill, whole wheat, grain and cheese breads; muffins;
cinnamon rolls, pies, cakes and cobblers. Weve
had two birthday cakes: one chocolate and one carrot.
We have frozen and thawed 135 one-liter cartons
of milk. The milk we got
in Puntarenas is good for freezing, Ed says. If you try to freeze
the large six-gallon containers we sometimes get in the states, the milk separates
too much and doesnt taste good thawed. Weve eaten 60 once-frozen
pies. Stacey and Ed prepare orange juice each day from frozen concentrate and
water. We have ladled out a gallon of orange juice from a bucket every morning
for breakfast.
Weve also emptied 50 boxes of cereal. Weve eaten 100 pounds of rice;
150 pounds of pasta; and 200 pounds of potatoes. We still have lettuce and cabbage
and enough salad to last us through to Costa Rica. Tomorrow will be the last
of the 15 watermelons. Today we finished the blueberries.
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