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71°F (21.7°C)
01 deg 11'S
Longitude: 90 deg 44W
Wind Direction: SSE
Wind Speed: 11 Knots
Sea State 3
Swell(s) Height: 2-4 Foot
Sea Temperature: 67°F (19.4°C)
Barometric Pressure: 1014.0 MB
Visibility: 12 Nautical Miles

Canned fruit
Cranberry muffins
Eggs and potatoes
Bacon, spam and sausage
(Dried cereal is always available in the pantry)
OJ in a bucket
Fresh salad
Santa Fe Chicken
Spanish rice
Canned Peaches
At the Garripata The Tick Restaurant on Santa Cruz, Island
The Last Dredge
September 20, 2001
by Christina Reed
73, the last one of this cruise, landed on Revelles fantail
just before lunch today. We've got rocks, yelled
Gene Pillard, as he directed the line handlers and brought
the dredge on board. After dredge 72 this morning, Gene thought
wed have time for one more dredge.
enough, like clockwork, Gene got the dredge to the bottom,
snagged four rocks from the 1,500 meter-deep terrace south
of Isabela and brought it up with 5 minutes to spare. Captain
Curl turned the ship to head 053 degrees northeast and Revelle steamed
for Puerto Ayora at full speed.
With the glorious white sand beach of Tortuga
Bay passing by the port side of RV Revelle this afternoon,
we will anchor within the hour in the harbor of Puerto Ayora,
Santa Cruz Island.
Our work this past month to understand the
secrets of Galápagos
undersea volcanoes has been very successful. We have intensively surveyed,
dredged and photographed the submarine lava flows, cones, and terraces
around Fernandina, Isabela, Genovesa and Floreana Islands. Each rock, shard
of volcanic glass, and biological organism we have collected provide clues
to the research questions we will study in the years to come as we analyze
all our data.
After 24 days at sea, we are excited to walk
on land, visit the lava tube near the summit of the volcano on
Santa Cruz, and have a last chance to see the tortoises, iguanas
and finches that call the Galápagos home. Tomorrow afternoon,
Revelle will leave the Enchanted Islands for Costa Rica.
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