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Partly Cloudy
76°F (24.4°C)
1 deg 22N
Longitude: 89 deg 8.5W
Wind Direction: SSE
Wind Speed: 25 Knots
Sea State 5
Swell(s) Height: 2-4 Foot
Sea Temperature: 79°F (26.1°C)
Barometric Pressure: 1013.8 MB
Visibility: 12 Nautical Miles

Fresh fruits
Banana, nut-bran muffins
Omelets with sausage
Banana pancakes
OJ in a bucket
Fresh salad
Chicken and beef burritos
Rice and beans
Fresh salad
Spaghetti and meat sauce
Cherry Pie
Getting Colder at the Equator
August 25, 2001
by Christina Reed
The strangest thing is happening. We're getting closer and closer
to Earth's equator, where the sun is strongest, but the temperature
is getting cooler. Indeed, the night air is downright chilly.
At the same time, we've watched the water temperature
drop from 85.8°F (29.8°C)
to 79°F (26.1°C). What's going on? We're experiencing the effects of
the Humboldt Current, which has traveled north from Antarctica up the Chilean
coastline. This current is famous because it brings up deep, cold, nutrient-filled
waters off the coast of Peru and Ecuador. The current creates ideal conditions
for life on the Galápagos Islands and in the ocean around them.
we are traveling southwest from Costa Rica the first Galápagos
island to appear on the horizon is Genovesa. Tonight we will
test out the MR1 side-scan sonar, a car-sized sonar system
that will be towed behind the ship like a fish. This is lucky
for Karen Harpp, who is doing her research on Genovesa's strange
volcanic history.
Unlike multibeam sonar, the MR1 is towed behind
the ship on 600-meter long cable attached to a 2,000-pound weight
that keeps the MR1 at about 100 meters below the surface. The
cable transmits power to the sonar fish and receives the acoustic
returns from the bottom. The detailed side-scan sonar maps made using the MR1
will provide us with the details of the seafloor structure around Genovesa.
"What we're doing here is a huge bonus," Karen says. Unlike the Hawaiian Islands,
which follow a neat line away from a hot spot, the Galápagos Islands spread
out boxlike from a hot spot, just south of the Galápagos Spreading Center,
a mid-oceanic ridge defining the boundary between the Nazca and Cocos plate.
But Genovesa, Marchena, Pinta, Wolf and Darwin are different from the rest of
the Galápagos Islands.
"I want to figure out how these little guys are related to the hot spot or if
in fact they are more related to the mid-ocean ridge," Karen says. It might be,
she wonders, that both the hot spot and the spreading center are needed for these
islands to exist. "They're sitting between two fires," she says. "They don't
follow the rules perfectly."
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