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70°F (21.1°C)
00 deg 3.4'N
Longitude: 91 deg 49W
Wind Direction: SSW
Wind Speed: 1 Knot
Sea State 3
Swell(s) Height: 1-3 Foot
Sea Temperature: 65°F (18.3°C)
Barometric Pressure: 1012.5 MB
Visibility: 16 Nautical Miles

Fresh fruits
Cornbread-cheese muffins
Breakfast burritos
Eggs and potatoes
Bacon, ham and sausage
(Dried cereal is always available in the pantry)
OJ in a bucket
Fresh salad
Pizza - 3 kinds
Pecan bars
Fresh salad
Grilled steak
Shrimp scampi
Scalloped potatoes
Green beans and carrots
Fresh bread
Strawberry shortcake
A New Adventure
September 2 , 2001
by Christina Reed
first time out at sea, we hold no expectations. Anything could
happen. We learn to walk different and sleep, when we can,
with the motion of the waves and sounds of machinery. For many
of the students on board, this is their first experience at
sea on a research expedition.
I am, south of the equator near the Galápagos, looking
at volcanoes - my main thing in geology, Steve Volpe
says. Im in part of the world Ive never seen
before. Its all very exciting. The only hard part
was the first day, when Steve was still finding his sea legs.
Ben Grosser knew he didnt need to worry about getting seasick. At 21, hes
flown airplanes, sailed small boats and traveled around the Outer Banks of North
Carolina on 300-foot ferries without any motion sickness, but always within sight
of shore. I was curious what it would be like not to see land, he
So was Jeremy Haney. Im from northern Idaho where we have a lot of
mountains, Jeremy says. Out here, its really flat. When we
were crossing from Costa Rica to the Galápagos you couldnt see anything,
no land in any direction, it was a lot different. It made me feel kind of small.
When working on land we are in direct contact
with the terrain, and the geology - we can see it, touch it,
smell it. The ocean is a different realm.
On the ocean there are more opportunities for surprises, Rob Otto
says. On land you have aerial photos. On the ocean youre looking at the
same stuff only covered by water.
To see and touch the submarine rocks is difficult.
It takes writing a research proposal, developing a hypothesis
to test and, finally, getting the chance to go out to sea. Now,
with our round-the-clock dredging, we are holding Galápagos
seafloor lava in our hands.
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