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81°F (27.2°C)
6 deg 54'N
Longitude: 86 deg 19W
Wind Direction: S
Wind Speed: 12 Knots
Sea State 3
Swell(s) Height: 2-4 Foot
Sea Temperature: 81°F (27.2°C)
Barometric Pressure: 1011.9 MB
Visibility: 12 Nautical Miles

Canned fruit
Eggs and potatoes
Bacon, spam and sausage
(Dried cereal is always available in the pantry)
OJ in a bucket
Fresh salad
Sub Sandwiches
Potato chips
Peanut butter cookies
Fresh salad
King Crab legs
Baked Potatoes
Corn on the cob
Yellow poppy seed cake
Packing up
September 23, 2001
by Christina Reed
Steaming along at 12 knots towards Puerto Caldera, Costa Rica we are
proud to have accomplished so much on this expedition. With
more than 300 sonar maps of the seafloor around the western
Galápagos, a 20-foot shipping container full of deep
sea lava samples, and 1,350 photographs of a young seafloor
lava flow we have collected data that will help us better understand
how the Galápagos Islands formed and what they can tell
us about the Earths mantle.
All of this has been possible only through the hard work of the
officers and crew of RV Revelle, the Scripps technicians
on board, the Hawaii MR1 group and the terrific scientific
team on board. We cant thank them enough for all they
have done to help us with the data collection and for providing
the setting for Dive and Discovers Galápagos expedition.
As we pack up our data and equipment, the crew
is busy laying out the forward and aft mooring lines in preparation
for our arrival tomorrow morning. The main lab is converted from
the data analysis and planning center into packing headquarters.
CDs and Zip disks are being passed around like trading cards as we make sure
all the sonar and other data are backed-up multiple times. The ping pong table
has computer equipment wrapped in pink bubble-wrap spread out all over it.
It will get cleared off so the doubles tournament can be finished
before we arrive.
The MR1 sonar tow-fish is put to bed under
its tarp, but the HMRG computer equipment is a tangle of wires
as Paul, Steve, Todd and Jenny pack it up for shipping back to
Hawaii. All will be done before we arrive at the dock tomorrow
at 0800 hours local time.
In the analytical lab, Rhian, Kate and Joe
pack up 241 animals representing 76 different species. Twenty
pounds of dry ice will keep the frozen specimens at nearly -60
degrees C as they travel with Dan, Mark and Josh back to Woods
We no longer have the Humboldt Current cooling
the air so the weather is hot and steamy. Its wonderful, Kate says. Revelle has
been our home for the past month, and a terrific one it has been.
But with less than 150 nautical miles to go to get to port, we
are thinking of really being home - with family and friends.
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