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Daily Updates: May 2003
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Daily Updates: June 2003
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cloudy with drizzle
Cloudy with drizzle
75°F (23.9°C)
Latitude: 38° 16'N
Longitude: 60° 24'W
Wind Direction: WSW
Wind Speed: 18 Knots
Sea State: 3
Sea Temperature: 76°F (24.4°C)
Swell(s) Height: 6 Foot
Barometric Pressure: 1015.0 MB
Visibility: 6 Nautical Miles

what's to eat

French toast
Spicy Italian sausage
Scrambled eggs
Cream of wheat
Raisin bran muffins

Clam chowder
Tuna melt
Red beans and sausage
Steamed rice
Chicken twists
Spicy Oriental rolls
3-bean sauté
Seasoned deep-fried potato skins
Salad bar
Chocolate cream pie

Spiced pork shoulder roast
Linguini with white clam sauce
Thai coconut green curry green beans
Caribbean vegetable sauté
Mushroom pilaf
Garlic bread sticks
Salad bar
Homemade tropical macaroon squares

The land of the living
June 13, 2003
By Joe Appel

The primary goals of Expedition 7 have been spelled out by Chief Scientist Jess Adkins: to find fossil corals, to make detailed maps of the New England Seamounts, to know more about the history of this ocean water and therefore all the ocean, and to come away from the cruise knowing how to find more corals in the future.

Jess is a chemist, and so is most of the science group. So, the emphasis of the scientific research has been related to chemistry. But there's another group of scientists here, doing complementary but distinct work: the biologists.

Tim Shank, a research biologist with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, notes that each of the five biologists on the cruise has his or her own goals. "But we have a common goal too," he adds, "which is to characterize the fauna of this area at some level."

Shank is joined by Rhian Waller, Kate Buckman, Jon Moore, Mercer Brugler, and Susan Mills. They work at different institutions and do different types of work. But they're all excited about what the New England Seamounts have offered them to study.

"We have more than 450 samples representing at least 111 different species," says Rhian, who studies at the Southampton Oceanography Centre, in Great Britain. "I say 'at least' because there are some things we've seen where we don't even know exactly what they are yet. It's exciting when you can't identify something."

The questions this group raises have important ramifications for many elements of marine biology. How many species are down there? Is there any "genetic communication" between the same species of animal found on different seamounts? What is the relationship between the size of soft corals and their age?

That's only a small list of the issues to be studied. "Not much is known about the ecology of deep water corals," Rhian says. "There's a lot we can learn here that we didn't necessarily set out to learn."










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