85°F (29.4°C)
20 deg 10S
Longitude: 57 deg 29.8E
Wind Direction: E
Wind Speed: 8 Knots
Sea Temperature: 83°F (28.3°C)
Barometric Pressure: 1013 MB
Daily Update: Setting up and tying down for sea
March 29,
By Amy Nevala
the sun rises in Port Louis, it gets very hot right away.
Before noon today the ships thermometer read over
80 degrees. Technicians and crew guzzle gallons of water
as they continue to install equipment now covering Knorrs decks.
deck and in the labs, equipment is coming together. In the
rear of the ship the giant winch holding a 13-ton fiberoptic
cable is finally in place. The Deep Submergence Operations
Group (DSOG) technicians are stringing long cables through
the ship to connect the control van to the computers that the
scientists will use to collect and analyze their data.
techs are also readying ROV Jason, the DSL-120 sonar and Argo
II for the survey and sampling work they will begin early next
week when we arrive at our first Central Indian Ridge research
Most of the scientists have set up their labs and are
tying down their equipment so it doesnt fall off the benches
when the ship is at sea. Some have gone ashore to investigate the
local museums and shops or explore the islands unique
is part of a volcanic island chain that includes Réunion Island.
But unlike Réunion, located southwest of Mauritius, there
are no active volcanoes here, said Natural History Museum and
Mauritius Institute curator Abdool Raman. All [the volcanoes]
went extinct years ago.
Geologists believe that the last volcanoes
erupted on Mauritius about 25,000 years ago.
Evidence of the volcanic activity remains on
Mauritius. From the deck of the Knorr, we
can see unusual rock formations created as the volcanic rock eroded. Pouce
Mountain, for example, looks like a hitchhikers thumb (pouce means thumb
in French).
Tonight scientists and crew are venturing out
to shop, grab dinner in town and send postcards. If all goes
according to plan, tomorrow evening we will depart for our first
research site.
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