Partly cloudy
83°F (28.3°C)
21 deg 00S
Longitude: 60 deg 09.9E
Wind Direction: SE
Wind Speed: 14 Knots
Sea State 3
Swell(s) Height: 6-7 Foot
Sea Temperature: 82°F (27.8°C)
Barometric Pressure: 1015.5 MB
Visibility: 18+ Nautical Miles
Daily Update: Steaming to the first research site
March 31,
By Amy Nevala
untying our lines from the Port Louis dock at 10:30 last
night, scientists and crew gathered on the upper decks
and bow to watch Mauritius fading colored lights.
we tilted our heads back to an even better light show - the
stars. Without the light pollution from the city, the constellations
Orions Belt, the Big Dipper, the Southern Cross and others
radiated from the black sky.
gazers from the northern hemisphere had to adjust to this different
angle. Since we are sailing in the southern hemisphere, the
star formations appear to change. Some, like the Big Dipper,
look upside-down.
A gentle, warm wind messed up our hair as we
stood outside, reacquainting our legs and bodies to the ships rocking motion. Some people stayed up until
midnight enjoying conversation in the warm, salty air.
This morning we returned to ship and science
preparations. A fire-drill sent us scrambling for life jackets
and survival suits in our cabins then to our stations. With everyone
accounted for and well prepared, we were dismissed with three
short blasts of the ships horn.
DSOG team member Mark Bokenfohr, that meant continuing preparations
on the elevator. Used to shuttle equipment and
samples between the ship and the seafloor, it is about twice
the size of a hotel elevator.
This evening, tired scientists puttered in
their labs or browsed the ships
library. A few kicked back with Mel Gibsons Road Warrior in
the lounge.
A glance out a porthole shows that our steam
east continues under a fingernail-moon. It throws a white glow
on the ocean, like a ghost swimming on the water.
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