Expedition 9 Cruise Dates
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Today's Weather
Blue sky, Detached clouds
Lat: 0° 48.48’N
Long: 86° 14.33’W
Wind: S
Sea State: 3
Swell Height: 3-5 feet
Baro Pressure: 1011.2 MB
Air Temp: 24.7°C 76.4°F
Sea Temp: 26.0°C 78.7°F
Vis: 10 nm

Rosebud Grows Up
May 22, 2005
By Amy Nevala
As the submersible Alvin flew slowly above the seafloor and approached the hydrothermal vent field, one of the first things that struck biologist Tim Shank was the size of the tubeworms. The last time he saw them three years ago at Rosebud, each was no longer than a pencil.
“Now they are as long as broom handles,” Tim said, grinning at the scientists and students who surrounded him after he exited the sub this evening following the expedition’s first dive. “There’s no doubt that we’ve seen a huge change in what was once a young community of animals. Rosebud has grown up.”
In 2002, Tim counted just 10 clams at Rosebud. Now dozens grow in thick mounds along cracks in the seafloor. Mussels, once the size of a thumbnail, have become the size of mangoes. He also noted new arrivals: purple, round-headed fish and shrimp-like crustaceans, called amphipods.
Tonight, scientists are assured that Rosebud thrives. They have begun solidifying science plans for the two weeks remaining on the expedition. One of their primary, collective goals is to understand how Rosebud has evolved.
This requires the expertise of everyone on board. Chemists, biologists, geologists, and seafloor mapping experts will work together in the days and nights ahead. They will gather samples of organisms, rocks, water, and fluids, make maps, take videos and photos to compare with those taken in 2002.
Go to Cruise 6: The Circle of Life »
Mail Buoy
Do you have questions about oceanographic research, hydrothermal vents, or about what it is like to work on board a ship? E-mail your questions to the scientists working on board RV Atlantis at divediscover@atlantis.whoi.edu. Please tell us your town and state, and keep your messages short with no attachments. Read today's mail »