Mail Buoy: May 13
We are students of Ms. Sheild's 7th grade class. In class we watched the "Minion" video, and we had a few questions.
What are the weights made of that are released, and what happens to them?
Hi Josh! The weights are made from "sinker weights" - the same kind that fishermen use to make their fishing lines sink when they are doing open ocean fishing. After the Minion releases them they drop to the seafloor and eventually become part of the sediment.
-Melissa Omand, University of Rhode Island
How do scientists figure out where the MINIONS are? I know there is a "homing signal" that uses sound to locate it, but how does that work exactly?
Hi Owen! There are satellites that orbit the earth with the specific purpose of sending information back and forth from one remote place to another. These are called Iridium satellites. Sometimes if people go camping somewhere remote, or fishing out in the middle of the ocean where there are no cell phone towers they bring an 'Iridium phone' so they can call someone if they get in trouble.
The MINIONS have a transmitter antenna under the domed part of their head that sends the data to the Iridium satellites. Then scientists on shore can login to their account and receive the data messages.
Thanks for these great questions!!
-Melissa Omand, University of Rhode Island