Daily Updates: May 2004 |
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Daily Updates: June 2004 |
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59°F (1°C)
Latitude: 47° 56.23'N
Longitude: 129° 07.13'W
Wind Direction: Variable
Wind Speed: 5 Knots
Sea State: 1
Swell(s) Height: 2 Foot
Sea Temperature: 55°F (12.8°C)
Barometric Pressure: 1017.5 MB
Visibility: 15+ Nautical Miles

Scrambled eggs
Fresh cut mango
Hash browns
Blueberry muffins
Lima beans
Pesto cream tortellini
Tator tots
Beef barley soup
Rice and veggies
Salad bar
Ice cream bars
Pizza – mushroom, pepperoni, garlic, tomato, cheese
Salad bar
Rocky Road ice cream
Alvin Recovery
Preparing for Nootka
June 4, 2004
By Amy Nevala
Earth’s surface is broken into 12
major plates ,
giant rafts of crust floating
over the mantle like chunks of
ice in the sea. These plates measure 60 to 75 miles (100 to 120 kilometers)
thick, and comprise the planet’s crust and a small part of the upper
mantle. Many plates contain both continental and oceanic crust.
The largest plate, the Pacific plate, stretches from Alaska
beyond New Zealand to the Southern Ocean, and from Baja, California to
Guam. Like other plates, it creeps continuously about as fast as your
fingernails grow. The edges of the plate host earthquakes and volcanoes,
which some scientists onboard Atlantis are working to understand.
Much of this cruise to the Endeavour Segment has been near a center of
seafloor spreading , or a boundary where the Pacific and Juan de Fuca
plates separate. For the remainder of the cruise, beginning Saturday,
researchers will concentrate their work on a type of boundary called
a transform fault . At transform faults, plates grind past each other
in opposite directions. Powerful earthquakes often strike along these
On Friday night we will travel 95 nautical miles northeast to Nootka,
a transform fault off the west coast of Vancouver Island, Canada. Each
year, an average of 80 earthquakes are recorded there, said Deb Kelley,
the expedition’s chief scientist.
Several scientists on Atlantis will study how earthquakes impact fluids
that flow in and out of the seafloor. Others will test instruments at
Nootka that they hope to use for future research expeditions on cold-water
seeps from the seafloor.
After this expedition, Geochemist Dave Hilton plans to visit the western
coast of Central America, part of his research on the cycling of carbon
and helium gases. Nootka is a good place for Dave and colleague Kevin
Brown, both of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, to test instruments
deployed off the coast of El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala,
and Costa Rica. The cold seeps at Nootka resemble flows found in these
areas of Central America, and allow for realistic testing and development
of new techniques and instruments.