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 A bathymetric map of the Galapagos Islands (land is in dark green). Other colors show the different depths of water, white is shallowest and blue is deepest. The zigzag line that runs west from the words "Galapagos Spreading Center" and then jumps north of Darwin Island, is part of the mid ocean ridge. This marks the boundary between two plates that are shown inset. (Bathymetric data courtesy of William Chadwick, Oregon State University).

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A bathymetric map of the Galapagos Islands (land is in dark green). Other colors show the different depths of water, white is shallowest and blue is deepest. The zigzag line that runs west from the words "Galapagos Spreading Center" and then jumps north of Darwin Island, is part of the mid ocean ridge. This marks the boundary between two plates that are shown inset. (Bathymetric data courtesy of William Chadwick, Oregon State University).

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