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Names of ships and sailors who have entered Tagus Cove since the 1700s are recorded in the writings on the walls of the cove. Writing on the walls of the cove is no longer allowed, but it reminds us of the historical record of people who visited this remote place over the centuries. Tagus Cove is one of the places visited by Charles Darwin and the HMS Beagle in 1835 during Darwin’s 5 week stay in the Galapagos Islands.

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Names of ships and sailors who have entered Tagus Cove since the 1700s are recorded in the writings on the walls of the cove. Writing on the walls of the cove is no longer allowed, but it reminds us of the historical record of people who visited this remote place over the centuries. Tagus Cove is one of the places visited by Charles Darwin and the HMS Beagle in 1835 during Darwin’s 5 week stay in the Galapagos Islands.

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