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Tonight, we met up with a small boat from the Galapagos National Park on Isabella Island. They needed some supplies transported to them quickly, and Capt. Buck agreed to help. Here, Dave Murline lowers some barbed wire to the folks on the “panga” -- the small boat used for transport near to shore. The wire, the logs (already in the panga), and some tin roofing that we delivered will be used for a National Park construction project.

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Tonight, we met up with a small boat from the Galapagos National Park on Isabella Island. They needed some supplies transported to them quickly, and Capt. Buck agreed to help. Here, Dave Murline lowers some barbed wire to the folks on the “panga” -- the small boat used for transport near to shore. The wire, the logs (already in the panga), and some tin roofing that we delivered will be used for a National Park construction project.

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