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Updates: February |
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Partly Cloudy
80°F (26.7°C)
9 deg 50 N
Longitude: 104 deg 17W
Wind Direction: NE
Wind Speed: 12 Knots
State: 3
Height: 9 Feet
Temperature: 82°F (27.8°C)
Pressure: 1013.5 MB
Visibility: 12 Nautical Miles

Cinnamon rolls
Scrambled eggs
Fresh fruit
French toast
Vegetarian burgers
Corn dogs
Hot dogs
French fries
Salad bar
Snickers ice cream bars
BBQ Cookout!
BBQ Shrimp
Baby back ribs
Pasta salad
Salad bar
Cole slaw
Baked beans

Jay and Jockie cook up BBQ ribs and shrimp as
Patrick fills up his plate.
Daily Update: Transit to Manzanillo, Mexico
February 7, 2000
By Dr. Dan Fornari and Sam Dean
The weather was beautiful today as RV Atlantis continued
its transit on a course of 008° towards Manzanillo, Mexico
at a speed of just over 9 knots. Captain Silva and Kevin Fisk,
the Chief Engineer, are pleased that the one stern thruster is
doing such a great job. We are also lucky to have good weather
and very calm seas as we head for the barn, the
term usually used by folks at sea to refer to the transit back
to port. Its kind of like cows heading back to the barn...
Although yesterday was our last dive of Cruise #2, there is still
a lot of work to be done! Even though there is no new data being
collected, there is still plenty of information that has been
gathered over the past two weeks for the scientists to analyze
and archive.
Making careful notes and documenting all of the observations and
types of data collected during the dives and the camera tows, including
navigation and the information from the gravimeter, magnetometer
and transponders, is important to our experiment. One of the keys
to doing a good experiment is to keep good notes so that other
people can understand what you did and reproduce your results if
The crew of the Atlantis is charged with the task of keeping everything
running smoothly, from maintaining the engines in working order to navigating
the ship towards our final destination. Outside they continued to fight the war
against seawater by chipping off the rust and painting some of the metal surfaces
of the ship. There were also fish to be caught, and lines were hung off the back
of the ship in the hopes of hooking a big one! In fact, Patrick Hennessy had
to change out the lines several times because some big fish had completely bitten
off a few of the lures!
The Alvin crew continued their post-cruise maintenance of the sub as well
as removing some of the sensors that had been used during this cruise, like the
gravimeter, magnetometer and doppler sonar. The Towed Camera Sled also was stripped
of its sensors and all of the equipment is being washed down with fresh water
and the various O-rings, the rubber rings that make the water-tight seals in
the pressure housing, cleaned and replaced as needed.
The scientists held a short debriefing in the library at 1600 hours. Dan Fornari
spent time going over our new travel plans, as well as speaking very briefly
about some of the preliminary results of the data gathered on the various Alvin dives
and congratulating everyone on a job well done. Margo Edwards discussed some
of the preliminary results of the Towed Camera Sled surveys and showed a map
with the types of lava terrain plotted along the survey tracks. Tomorrow well
meet again to discuss the science that was accomplished on the cruise and the
plans for more data analysis back on shore. Afterward, everyone headed back to
the fantail for the traditional end-of-the-cruise photo -with one twist. Some
of the party decided to go with an aquatic theme and jumped straight into the
For dinner tonight we were treated to a special cook-out on the fantail! Everyone
was able to mingle while we were eating our delicious meals cooked up by Jay,
Jockie, and Ginger. After working so hard during the cruise, it is nice to be
able to relax and talk with your new friends. Just as we were finishing dinner
the sun was about to set. With almost no clouds in the sky, the sunset promised
to be spectacular! Nearly everyone out on the fantail rushed over to the port
(left) side of the ship to watch the sun go down on the horizon and hopefully
catch a glimpse of the elusive green flash.
The green flash occurs in the instant
that the sun sets over the horizon. The light from the sun is
refracted, or bent, by the atmosphere. All of the
different colors contained in a beam of sunlight are bent a little
bit differently, just like what happens to light when it passes
through a prism, or why raindrops create a rainbow. The blue
and violet ends of the light spectrum are scattered by all of
the particles in the air, and water vapor gets rid of the yellow
light, leaving mostly red and green.
Just as the sun sets on the horizon, there is sometimes a brief flash of green
right in the same spot where the sun is setting. It is truly a rare event to
observe. It lasts only a split-second! This phenomenon is best seen when there
is a clear, cloudless, and open horizon, such as out at sea! Unfortunately, we
did not see the green flash tonight, but we were still able to enjoy the gorgeous
post-dinner sunset.
Tomorrow is the last day before we reach port and everyone will be busy packing
up, cleaning the labs and their rooms, and getting ready to head home after a
successful research cruise.