Daily Updates: May 2002 |
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Daily Updates: June 2002 |
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Partly Cloudy
79°F (26.1°C)
Latitude: 0 deg 49.3'N
Longitude: 89 deg 37W
Wind Direction: SE
Wind Speed: 16 Knots
Sea State 2
Swell(s) Height: 2-4 Foot
Sea Temperature: 77°F (25°C)
Barometric Pressure: 1013.5 MB
Visibility: 12 Nautical Miles

Eggs to Order
Cinnamon Rolls
Roast Turkey
Mashed Potatoes and Gravy
Green Peas
Fresh Bread
Pumpkin Pie
Blackened Tuna
Baked Pork Chops
Potatoes au gratin
Fresh Bread
Ice Cream
Rabbit. Rabbit
June 1, 2002
by Lonny Lippsett
Shortly before midnight, Dana Yoerger filled his tall plastic mug with ice water and said, “I’m going to watch the hot water show.” It was playing in a lab one deck below where Bob
Collier, John Lupton, and Eric Olson were guiding the CTD near
the seafloor. They watched their monitoring screens throughout
the night for any signs of warm water temperaturesand active
hydrothermal venting.
It was a long movie, and the ending was disappointingno signs
of venting. Overnight, the CTD searched two areas on either end
of a segment of the axial high, covering a total of 10 km. Yesterday, Alvin had
covered another 1km section in between, finding mussels, but
only dead ones. Today, Alvin set out to fill in a gap that had
not yet been searched. But with no signs of venting on either
end, the scientists werent optimistic.
Before going to bed, the scientists mentioned
that today was the first day of the month. According to an old
custom, you will have luck if your first waking words on the first
day of the month are Rabbit. Rabbit.
Our two Co-Chief Scientists, Steve Hammond and
Tim Shank, share a room onboard. Steve awakened first this morning. I saw Tim stirring in his bunk and I
said, Rabbit, Rabbit, and I walked over to him, and he said, Rabbit.
It couldnt hurt. We had already searched 11 km of this area in three different
places . There were no signs of heat, and the only life we found
was dead. As Tim walked on deck to climb into Alvin, Eric Olson, an all-night
CTDer, gave him a good-natured send-off: Find something, Tim. Im
tired of CTDing.
Shortly after noon, Tim reported in from the
seafloor, about 1,660m (5478 feet) below Atlantis: Were sitting upon a very large field of clams
and musselslive clams and mussels. Theyre in all the cracks and crevices
of the pillow lava. Were all smiles down here. Up there, on Atlantis, we
were, too.
Dan Fornari shook his head. It really is like finding a needle in a haystack, he
said. This spot appears no different on our maps than the three other spots
we looked at yesterday and last night.
The newly discovered vent field spans an estimated
60 m by 50 m. It is the first vent field discovered in this part
of the Galápagos Rift. It is over 200
miles from the Rosebud vent site and the seafloor here is 800 m shallower.
The temperature of fluids rising from the cracks in the rocks is 9.5°C (49°F)
at the new site.
Alvin brought up buckets full of clams
and mussels. The clams measured 20 to 23cm (8 to 9 inches) long.
The mussels were nearly as big.
Dana was waiting on the fantail, as Tim and Rhian
Waller, todays Alvin observers,
emerged from the submersible: We told you, he said, Dont
come back til you find warm water.
They did. Maybe it was the Rabbits.
See New Hot Topic
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