Expedition 13 Hot Topics

sediment trap

You Feed Me, I Feed You: Symbiosis

Many animals in the deep sea rely on others for food or shelter or both. These symbiotic relationships make the deep a complex and fascinating place to study. Learn more »

sediment trap

Light Snacks and Food Chemistry: Photosynthesis and Chemosynthesis

Where there is no light, life must find ways to survive that do not rely on photosynthesis. Some animals are able to convert chemicals that are usually considered poisonous. Learn more »

sediment trap

Gulf of Mexico

If there is any lesson to take from the Gulf of Mexico it’s that even someplace as close to shore and as relatively well studied as this can still offer some surprises. The Gulf is easy for scientists to get to, but still very complex. Learn more »

sediment trap

Instruments: The Sediment Trap

Sediment traps gather microscopic particles falling through the ocean—some of which become food for animals on the bottom. Learn more »

alvin Alvin Upgrade: Making a Star of the Deep Sea
Even Better

The manned submersible Alvin has been a star of deep-ocean research for the past 40 years. In 2011, Alvin will undergo a major overhaul that will include a larger personnel sphere and new, deeper-diving capabilities. Learn more »

sentry Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Sentry: Robotic Bloodhound of the Deep Ocean

Sentry is a robotic deep submersible that can map the ocean bottom, take close-up photographs of features and animals on the seafloor, and make millions of measurements of the water in one trip and all by itself. Learn more »

Previous Expedition Hot Topics:

deep sea biologyDeep Sea Biology
From Expedition 5: As we investigate the submarine slopes of Galápagos volcanoes we see life that no one has photographed before. The creatures that live at these depths have adapted to a way of life in one of the world's most challenging environments. Learn more »

coralDeep-Sea Corals
From Expedition 7: When most people think of corals, they think big. Big, interconnected structures such as the Great Barrier Reef off Australia, which can be seen from the Space Shuttle. Expedition 7 is going after much smaller coral formations that lie deep within the ocean, past the point where light penetrates.
Learn more »

wiresKeeping the “Big O” Out of Alvin
From Expedition 1: Alvin pilot BLee Williams explains the dangers of using electricity in the ocean. Read the article »

alvinWhat Is It Like To Go Down In Alvin?
From Expedition 2: So you want to dive to the bottom of the ocean in a submarine? Better bring your wool hat, because it is cold down there.
Begin your dive »

From Expedition 6: It’s a fact of life on ships, but nobody talks about it much. Why should they? It’s not a pretty picture. Yep, I’m talking about the green scourge, Neptune’s revenge—seasickness.
Learn about what causes seasickness »




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