Expedition 12 Hot Topics

sound icon The Scoop on Sound
Scientists use sound to send and retrieve information from undersea robots, buoys, and other ocean tools, and they are always working hard to improve sound-based technology. Ocean acoustics, the study of sound in the sea, is a rapidly growing field of research today. Learn more »

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Hydrothermal Vents

vent namesGodzilla, Sasquatch, and Homer Simpson:
The Curious Names of Deep-sea Features

From Expedition 8: Hydrothermal vent fields and their individual chimneys may be places for serious scientific research, but some of their names come straight from science fiction.
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bacteriaBacteria at Hydrothermal Vents
From Expedition 4: Small but mighty, bacteria live everywhere at hydrothermal vents.
Learn more about bacteria »

sulfide allvinellidsLooking for Microbes
From Expedition 2: Prof. Rachel Haymon and Dr. Patricia Holden, from the University of California - Santa Barbara, have an idea about how to look for microbes in active hydrothermal vent chimneys. Read about their experiment »

biogeographyBiogeography of Hydrothermal Vents
From Expedition 4: Biogeography is the study of distribution patterns of organisms and what causes those patterns to exist.
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Seafloor Geology

gravitySeafloor Gravity
From Expedition 2: Learn about what gravity is and why using a gravimeter in Alvin can help geophysicists learn about the ocean crust. Learn about seafloor gravity »

magneticsSeafloor Magnetics
From Expedition 2: Learn about the Earth’s magnetic field and why measuring it near the seafloor can help geophysicists understand how the ocean crust forms.
Learn about magnetics »

lava flowsLava Flows
From Expedition 5: When a volcano erupts, the molten rock (or magma) that comes out of the Earth is called lava. Lava is the most common form of material erupted from volcanoes that form oceanic islands.
Learn more about Lava Flows »

mr1What Does a Young Submarine Lava Flow Look Like?
From Expedition 5: As we investigate the submarine slopes of Galápagos volcanoes we see life that no one has photographed before. Learn more about our camera tow survey »


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