Mail Buoy - July 15, 2007
I am waiting every day for your updates. My Internet connection is a cable in the ground and frequently goes haywire. How exactly are you getting the daily updates to us? You frequently talk about satellite information. Does the thick cloud cover cause communication problems to the expedition?
Bob Sohn
Bonita Springs, Florida
(Gulf beach water is 91 degrees)
Hi Bob:
Thanks for following the cruise! We are envious of your water temperatures!
Here is the answer to your question:
We do not have Internet on board the Oden. Our mail, which includes the daily updates and the slide shows that are on Dive and Discover, are sent a few times a day over an Iridium satellite. They first go to a gateway (a server) that then sends the messages over the Internet.
You asked about the effect of cloud cover. In general, it does not affect the transmissions; however, when the cloud is very thick and full of water droplets, it can affect our transmissions by attenuating the signal. Interestingly, a bigger effect on ships at sea is the rolling and pitching as the antenna keep moving towards and away from the satellite. That can cause the signal to cut out. Fortunately for us here in the ice, we do not have to contend with rough seas as they are covered with ice!
Hope you will continue to follow the cruise!
Best wishes,
Susan Humphris
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