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Mitzi Crane, chief mate and medical officer on Atlantis, checks researcher Yuri Rzhanvov�s blood pressure in the ship�s hospital. Mitzi said she is most often called to bandage cuts, treat heat-related illnesses, assist seasick people, remove foreign objects from eyes, and soothe fingers pinched in doors. She also has 24-hour phone access to doctors in the United States for more serious health problems.

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Mitzi Crane, chief mate and medical officer on Atlantis, checks researcher Yuri Rzhanvov’s blood pressure in the ship’s hospital. Mitzi said she is most often called to bandage cuts, treat heat-related illnesses, assist seasick people, remove foreign objects from eyes, and soothe fingers pinched in doors. She also has 24-hour phone access to doctors in the United States for more serious health problems. (Photo by Amy Nevala)

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