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A view from an altitude of about 8 meters of a lava pillow terrain on the floor of the Galapagos Rift valley at a depth of approximately 3500 meters. The distance across the bottom of the image is about 4 meters. We were traveling down slope in the direction of the upper left corner of the photo. The next slide shows a contact point between two types of lava, which we observed about 12 seconds after this picture was taken. Argo ESC images are taken about every 12 seconds; this is the time it takes for the strobe lights to recharge and fire again.

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A view from an altitude of about 8 meters of a lava pillow terrain on the floor of the Galapagos Rift valley at a depth of approximately 3500 meters. The distance across the bottom of the image is about 4 meters. We were traveling down slope in the direction of the upper left corner of the photo. The next slide shows a contact point between two types of lava, which we observed about 12 seconds after this picture was taken. Argo ESC images are taken about every 12 seconds; this is the time it takes for the strobe lights to recharge and fire again.

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