Mail Buoy January 20, 2000
I’m David Ertel from Lexington, MA, and
I’m in Ms. Sheild’s 7th grade science class. I really
liked your web site! It’s beautifully put together, and
portrays the information in an organized way. But after looking
at your website, I had a question: what gave you the inspiration
to do this whole project? You must have put a lot of time, effort,
and $$ into this. Well, it’s really amazing, all the stuff
you’ve been doin’!
Hi David:
Glad you like the web site! I think what gave us the inspiration
to do this was two issues:
1) we thought that people should know about the exploration of
our own planet. NASA has done a great job bringing space exploration
to the public -- we decided it was time we tried to do the same!
2) we were aware that many students lose interest in science
while they were at school, which we thought a great pity! However,
most kids these days are really interested in the natural environment,
so we thought it would be cool to have a site where basic science
principles could be taught through students participating in,
and sharing the excitement of, discovery.
We wrote a proposal to
the National Science Foundation last year, and Woods Hole Oceanographic
Institution also agreed to contribute some dollars. It has been
a huge amount of work, and we are still only in the test phase!!
The site will go “public” in
March, and we hope that other scientists will use it when they
have cruises using Alvin, Jason or other equipment.
Susan Humphris
My name is scott Yarmovsky. I’m in mrs. sheilds science
class. The website s awsome. The best parts are the movies and
slide shows. I just wanted to know if you are going to make more
of them even though your first cruise is almost over.
Hi Scott:
The web site will be continuing on the next cruise -- it starts
on 27 January and will be going to the East Pacific Rise, so
I hope you will follow along! There will be new daily updates,
videos, and slide shows under Expedition 2. This cruise will
still be accessible under Expedition 1.
Susan Humphris