December 4, 2011 Slideshow
Shipboard Scientific Services Group technician (SSSG) Allison Heater after the successful deployment of an instrument. Hardhats and safety work vests must be worn by all those involved in the deployment or recovery of an instrument. Photo by Thorsten Stoeck, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern.
During last week’s rescue of the 93 men aboard a foundering fishing boat, SSSG Catie Graver kept the Science party informed about events on the deck outside.
Steward Larry Jackson stocks the walk-in cooler with a big variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Bananas, oranges, apples, and kiwi fruits are available for snacks at all hours of the day and night.
As we near the end of a cruise, steward Larry Jackson takes stock of foods bought in foreign ports, which often may not be brought into the U.S. He plans carefully to have as little left over by the end of the cruise—without running short of anything.
Cook Mark Nossiter slices roast beef for the hungry crew, science party, and Jason team aboard the R/V Atlantis. The galley crew also offers vegetarian dishes at every meal.
What a way to start the day!
Dr. Maria Pachiadaki smiles as she reaches for a side dish—and she hasn’t even seen the Greek stuffed chicken yet (lower right).
Mess attendant Aleksandr Rossinskiy sends us on our way with a smile and words of encouragement.
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