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Erin Todd (right) and Jon Burgess unload lava samples recovered in Dredge #3 taken last night from the crest of the East Pacific Rise at a depth of 3200 meters. See if you can figure out how deep that is in feet (1 meter = 3.28 feet). Erin and Jon are wearing working life vests because the lines that go across the stern of the ship were removed to bring the dredge on board. Safety is important on board ship! [The answer to how deep the seafloor is at the location where Dredge #3 was taken is 10,496 feet].

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Erin Todd (right) and Jon Burgess unload lava samples recovered in Dredge #3 taken last night from the crest of the East Pacific Rise at a depth of 3200 meters. See if you can figure out how deep that is in feet (1 meter = 3.28 feet). Erin and Jon are wearing working life vests because the lines that go across the stern of the ship were removed to bring the dredge on board. Safety is important on board ship! [The answer to how deep the seafloor is at the location where Dredge #3 was taken is 10,496 feet].

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