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the tilt of the Earth as it moves around the sun
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Sorry, that is incorrect.
The tilt of the Earth as it moves around the sun gives the Earth it’s seasons each year.
Ice Ages Quiz
the orbit of the moon around the Earth
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Yes! That is correct.
The tilt of the Earth as it moves around the sun gives the Earth it’s seasons each year.
What gives Earth its seasons each year?
the shape of the Earth’s orbit
5 of 6
energy from the sun increasing in summer and decreasing in winter
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Yes! That is correct.
“Precession” is the word used to describe the movement
of the Earth just a little bit more than one complete orbit each year.
the movement of the planets around the sun
the movement of the Earth just a little bit more than one complete orbit each year
a ceremonial march of people through the streets
6 of 6
“Precession” is theword used to describe:
Sorry, that is incorrect.
“Precession” is the word used to describe the movement
of the Earth just a little bit more than one complete orbit each year.
How long ago did the last glacial period end?
about 130,000 years ago
about 20,00 years ago
Sorry, that is incorrect.
The last glacial period ended about 20,000 years ago.
about 900,000 years ago
it hasn't ended—we are in one now
Yes! That is correct.
The last glacial period ended about 20,000 years ago.
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Over the last 700,00 years, how many glacial periods
have there been?
Yes! That is correct.
Over the last 700,000 years, there have been seven
glacial periods.
Sorry, that is incorrect.
Over the last 700,000 years, there have been seven
glacial periods.
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the wobble of the Earth
changes in the tilt of the Earth
changes in the shape of Earth’s orbit
Yes! That is correct.
Changes in climate are caused by changes in the shape of Earth’s orbit, changes in the tilt of the Earth, and the wobble of the Earth.
Sorry, that is incorrect.
Changes in climate are caused by changes in the shape of Earth’s orbit, changes in the tilt of the Earth, and the wobble of the Earth.
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a combination of all of the above
Changes in climate are caused by:
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The shape of the Earth’s orbit changes because:
the moons gravity pulls on the Earth
the gravity of other planets circling the sun pulls on the Earth
there is more land on one side of the Earth than the other
Yes! That is correct.
The shape of the Earth’s orbit changes because the gravity of other planets circling the sun pulls on the Earth.
Sorry, that is incorrect.
The shape of the Earth’s orbit changes because the gravity of other planets circling the sun pulls on the Earth.
asteroids crash into the Earth