Oceanographic Tools: R/V Knorr
Research Vessel Knorr
The Research Vessel Knorr is
a US Navy-owned ship operated by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
(WHOI) for the ocean research community.
Launched in 1968, delivered to WHOI in 1970 and completing a major overhaul in
1991, RV Knorr has traveled the worlds oceans to conduct oceanographic
research in biology, chemistry, geology and geophysics, physical oceanography,
and ocean engineering. It is equipped with sophisticated navigation and communication
systems and can accommodate a wide variety of scientific projects.
RV Knorr is named in honor of Ernest R. Knorr, a distinguished early
hydrographic engineer and cartographer, who was appointed senior civilian and
Chief Engineer Cartographer of the US Navy Hydrographic Office in 1860. Mr. Knorr
was largely responsible for the success of the Navys first systematic
charting and surveying effort from 1860 to 1885.

For more information visit WHOI's Marine Operations Knorr Page